Hong Kong Trip Cancelled But Singapore Here I Come
I cancelled my family trip to Hong Kong nnext year officially. For once I've decided that saving is more important than travelling. Hahahahaha! That's because I'm so poor right now.
Actually I plan to use my bonus to pay half of my hutang keliling pinggang by end of this year and the other half for Hong Kong trip. BUT since I need to pay car insurance and road tax come next year March which will cost me about RM1.6k-RM1.8k...I've got to cancel the Hong Kong trip which I estimated will cost me about RM2k(including shopping) for 3 nights. Sad hor. I've planned the Hong Kong itinery already.
BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT I'm now planning to go Singapore next year. Yipeeeee...Cheaper mah and mainly because I get to see The Art of Star Wars at Singapore Science Centre. For more information about The Art of Star Wars exhibition please checkout here.

If you are an ardent fan of Star Wars do visit this exhibition ya. This is a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes for all 6 sagas, the making of the Star Wars movies and relish in the marvelous works and genius of George Lucas and his team in Lucasfilm Ltd.
I've promised my sis that I won't bring my credit card to Singapore. :p The Art of Star Wars exhibition ends on 3rd April 2006. Hurry!
i'm a star wars fan! & i wanna go see but sooooo far away leh! :(
Go by plane. Don't walk...LOL
Treat it as a holiday lor...or 2nd honeymoon ;p People usually went to farway holiday mah.
Hey hey, travelling is important because we are with
eyes to see
hands to touch
legs to walk a thousand mile (definitely more la..)
nose to smell
mouth to talk
ears to listen...
Somehow.... I guess saving is the best for your right now. LOL
Happy Saving, girl. :*
Saoirse - Yeah! my 2006 new year resolution is SAVING.
1 good example of plan gone awry... ;PP
...but the alternative sounds fun nonetheless. maybe i'll consider of taking a train ride to go there too, time permits!! ;]
Hey I'm taking the train too. This time with bunker bed. ;p
it's started already right??
i want to go!! i want to go!!
have to go there before february :P
i'm planning to take the train as well... no more bus ride :(
Yup started since nov 2005.
Hey better take a midnight train and bunker one too. The con is you can't enjoy the view because it's night. :( but the pro is you won't hv to waste your day time travelling by train(about 8 or 9 hrs if I'm not mistaken).
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