Friday, November 25, 2005

That's My Dad

Usually my mom will be the one who spray mosquito repellant in our house. It's like my mom's job to protect us from mosquito.

Y'all remember the recent dengue cases right ? My dad started to play a bigger role in our house. He started to help mom to spray mosquito repellant when night fall.

One day I went into my study room and found that the surface of the floor, table and pc table were extremely sticky. Not to mentioned the horrible smell of the mosquito repellant. Argghhhhhh! I know who the culprit is.

I quickly confronted my dad. Here's the 'conversation' that took place. Although the dialogue might differ from original but the the content of the conversation is brought to you with crisp precision.

Me: Dad, why you spray so much mosquito repellant ? (that's how I know my dad is the culprit)
Dad: Got a lot of mosquito mah. You wanna get dengue ?
Me: But why you spray all over the place ?
Dad: So that stronger mah
Me: Aiyo no need spray all over the place one. Just spray at the cabinet's side or table's side. How did you spray ar ? Until our entire table so sticky. You know mosquito repellant is poisonous or not.
Dad: I spray whole place lah. TV ad also show that we should spray all over the place(at eye level)
Me: Hahahahahahahaha! That one TV ad only. We cannot spray like that. We spray under the table, beside table, etc only. Not spray the whole place at eye level. Next time don't do like that ar.
Dad: ...(still my dad said he's correct).

Anyway I told my mom and sis about this and they broke down laughing.

Have you ever give a thought - "What kill Mosquito(that is mosquito repellant) Might Kill Us Too"?

Maybe mosquito repellant in spray form is less hazardous but surely you have seen how fast a mosquito or cockroach die ? So inhale less and place your repellant at a safe place.(I spell safe correctly this time, yippee)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

up to a point, if we absorb too much of it, it does us harm.

i climbed a rambutan tree just last fruit season n a red ant's nest fell on me (well, i accidentally bumped my head against it).... all those wretched kerengges swarmed my whole body b4 i even reached the ground.

my sis sprayed an insect repellent all over me xcept for my face. there was no immediate side effect (ouch!! xcept for the lovebites fr the bloody kerengges!!)
... but a day or two after, guessed my skin absorbed too much of the poison, my liver failed to filter all the toxics fr my blood n my uh?! bottom bled for sometime during the uh?! defacation process.

i recommend, drink lots of water if u think ur over exposed to toxics.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Che-Cheh said...

OhMYGOD!!! You didn't see doc ? You didn't panic ?

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weeeelllll, having watched quite a number of medic tv programmes, i was sorta able to do my own prognosis, heh!heh! as for seeing a doc., ...cluck! cluck! cluck!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Che-Cheh said...

So cool meh ? Don't believe. Never watch a medic tv with insect repellant case lah.

7:38 AM  

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