Saturday, February 26, 2005
Friday, February 25, 2005
Che-Cheh - Hamsup Dog!!!
I'm going to write about Che-Cheh today. Of all the 4 of us my mom is the one who is the victim to Che-Cheh. Che-Cheh like to smell my mom's butt. Hahaha. Ours too but more frequent he smell at my mom's.

When we were watching TV the 3 of us (mom, sis and me), Che-Cheh will go to my mom's and smell. Che-Cheh ocassionaly go to sis and me for food and some head or tummy rub. Dog can identify millions of smell. So are you mad at Che-Cheh when he does that ? Nope! Of course my mom do.
I haven't talk about my grandma. She's the worst victim. Not smelling victim but sex victim!!!

Che-Cheh will bark happily at Ah Ma. At home Ah Ma prefer to sit on the floor rather on the sofa. She said it's hot sitting on the sofa. When Ah Ma is alone with Che-Cheh or ocassionaly with us around, Che-Cheh will surround Ah Ma, smelling her. Here comes the best part. Then he will hump Ah Ma. Pity Ah Ma. Need sis and me to pull Che-Cheh apart from Ah Ma. Once in a car my sis sat in between Che-Cheh and Ah Ma. As Che-Cheh is already a big dog, my sis sit at the edge of the seat to let Che-Cheh lie down. Then that once happened! Che-Cheh humped Ah Ma. My sis start pulling Che-Cheh apart but he's so strong. I help and pull. Ouch Che-Cheh nearly bit us. At last we managed. Fhew!
Although Che-Cheh behave like that, Ah Ma is not angry at him. Hahaha We suspect Che-Cheh likes Ah Ma body smell(Ah Ma likes Tiger balm). Even Ah Ma's bag, food he cook all smell of Tiger balm. Ah Ma sometimes help us to bring him to potty or give breakfast/dinner to him. Nowdays Ah Ma still sit on the floor but with a chair blocking her and Che-Cheh.
But not always ya Che-Cheh behave like that. Last time when he was under 1yr old. I guess about 4 or 5mths, Che-Cheh like to hump sis and me especially when we were washing our hand at the sink. That was because we turn him 'on' and proceed to wash our hand. I won't tell you how. The million dollar umphhh ringgit malaysia question is why Che-Cheh never hump only my mom ? Now we know how to detect Che-Cheh went he wants to hump. His face have a sly smile and he walk the 'walk'. You have to see it to understand. Hahahaha.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
First Ever Disgusting Bidder!!!
Have you heard of this website ? I found this website when I was browsing through msn, 2yrs ago. I've sell teddy bear, PSOne, printer, slow cooker, christmas tree and many more. Tuesday I sold a SE phone holster and that is where I encountered a disgusting, liar & rude bidder.
Here's the bidder replies(Monday morning) to my email(Sunday night) after I've send an email asking where the bidder would like to receive & pay the phone holster. Remember I was attending training that whole Monday morning.
me lor(myself??? LOL;sunday): Hello Cristina, How do you want me to pass SE phone holster to you ? Handcarry or by mail ? Best Regards.
cristina chai (monday): Hello Amy, Can I have your mobile number? Rgards,cristina
cristina chai (monday): Hi prefer COD!where's ur location? i would like to check with u that i received another email by Goh about the tis hoslter,so which 1 should i trust on? pls give me ur contact or i will report to lelong! thx
cristina chai (monday): hi amy: pls leave ur contact ASAP!coz i'm going oversea!
pls ASAP!
cristina chai (monday): hi:i waiting 4 ur reply long time ago! so r u still serious for he deal? if not than i just report to lelong! Thx cris
amy (monday): Hi, my hp no. is 012-xxxxxxx. BTW you are the first person who under 24hrs after winning the bid wanted to report to lelong!
After few minutes the bidder called me. Read dialogue below which I construct now from my vague memory.
timid amy: Hallo!
rude guy voice: Amy ?
timid amy: ya. Are you Cristina Chai ? But you are a guy. The winning bidder is a...(guy sampuk)
rude guy voice: I'm Cris
timid amy: Who is Cristina Chai ? (gua panicked)
rude Cris: Cristina is my sister. (I think he's lying; I think Cristina is his gf)
timid amy: Who is going oversea ? You or your sister ?
rude Cris: It dosen't matter. (I knew I'm talking to an impolite guy) So you still wanna sell the phone holster ?
amy: Yes. (should have reply OF COURSE! but then I'm a good girl)
rude Cris: izzit RM48 ? (ohmygod!!! what an idiot, that's the price that I bought and he himself bid RM46...somemore want me to sell original price to him)
timid amy: nope. RM46. RM48 is the original price. (strangle strangle strangle)
blah blah blah.......
I wonder why he sounded so rude. We promised to meet at Mid Valley StarBucks at 8pm onwards. I called him after I reached there and waited for few minutes. Aiyo while waiting hor I was imagining what he will look like(woman's instinct based on a guy voice). How true I was he was not those filthy guy. Can say have a rich guy look and quite handsome too(ewwww what happened to me!?). He was walking towards me with his gf waiting a door back(behind starbuck's glass wall). I showed him the phone holster and he said "I search in Sony store but can't find" and I was going to answer but kena sampuk "RM46 right?". Me said ya. So he took out his wallet and open the wallet's compartment wide enough to let me see his $$$$. I look to the left feeling 'crazy lah open wallet so wide; if I look at his wallet I myself will pity myself'. After pay didn't even say thanks. I quickly walk away.
The next morning, I rated/commented him at And I read other seller/bidder's rating/comment for him. So it's true this fellow uses his sister/gf account to buy and sell stuff. I think he have broken the rules.
BTW, I still dunno what's his name. And I don't want to know ever and would not deal with this kind of liar, rude fellow again!
Yummy Yum-yum
Recently I managed to suprised my dad on his birthday. He actually forgot about it until I told him that we are bringing him to makan-makan.
We makan-makan at Subang Parade's Dome. As usual my dad will ordered Fish n Chip. My mom was unsure what to order. My sis ordered Herbs Chicken. I ordered pasta. This time I tried Linguini Oslo ???. Forgot the name of the pasta. BEST ever that I've ever tasted. Also the Fish n Chip's Fish were so yummy. We ordered Cranberry Cooler(cranberry + apple + spirit) and my dad ordered Mocha Ice.
Dome - Mid Valley = NG
Dome in 1Utama JJ new complex = good
Dome in Subang Parade = excellent
Swensen in Subang = extremely NG
Friday, February 18, 2005
Bad Luck Because I'm Sleepy ?
Yesterday night I ramped my honda civic car at my house gate. I was out buying KFC with Che-Cheh. The gate that I ramp fell down infront of my car. I swear I already open the gate wide open. Before driving in I look right and then left gate but it was too late. I ramped the left gate. Of course my parents were horrified. But my dad manageed to 'repair' the gate. My car have a couple of scratches and there's cut at my headlight. Wuahhh wuahhh
My neighbour were at their dinner table. I can see them look outside but they didn't come out and help me. Damn!
Anyway come this morning I was carrying some heavy stuff to work. Therefore I climb another alternative stair to office. I missed a step and blah boom I fall face down whole body at the stair and were sliding down 1 or 2 steps. Ohmygod now I know how sliding down a stair feel. Pain at my both hand and leg.
I know I was very sleepy when I was climbing the stair. My eyes were half close. LOL. But after yesterday's night incident we found out that that particular left gate slide close back abit when we open the gate wide out. So that means half of the ramping accident were not my faults. Yes!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Sleepy Yet Again!
Yeah sorry to bored you with this subject. Yet I have to express my slepiness again. Yesterday night we celebrated Hokkien CNY. I stayed up until 2am. This morning I wake up late again but not as late as yesterday. Yesterday I woke up at 7am. Today I woke up at 6.35am but still no time to bring Che-Cheh to potty.
I was so so so so so so so so so sleepy this morning until after afternoon meeting. Yes! my sleepy misery have already gone now. How nice. After work will play badminton with my sis and Mrs Federer No. 1/2. LOL
Edit: sleeping spell come back! Yawn!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Sleepy Again!
Did I previously wrote a blog tittled 'Sleep' or something like that ?
Today's topic will be about that also.
Today is the SLEEPIEST day of my live.
Can’t endure anymore. Need to escape! Even writing blog can’t help.
1/2 hour to go. Oh GOD!
Felt sleepy since morning.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Belated Happy Chinese New Year
Belated Happy Chinese New Year!!!
I didn't blog about this because nothing extravagance happened.
Only 1 information to tell that I swept my dad's mahjong money because I won.
About RM15....hahaha
Feel good because this is the first time I win.
Chester Saw Ghost or What!!!
Yesterday I read Digital Fortress then felt asleep. When I wake up it was already 12am. Haven't bring Che-Cheh to potty. So I said to Che-Cheh "Chester, let's go potty". After he potty I let him out of the fence so that he can wander around our front house. I was opening the hose when I saw Che-Cheh look outside of the gate at something so attentively. His tail started to wagged. Suddenly he bark like he saw something. I got scared and call for my mom. Che-Cheh barked even more. Then I call my dad. We call Che-Cheh to come into the house but he still bark. Then a dog from far away house started to bark as well. So scary man!!!
Lastly after much coaxing, Che-Cheh came into the house. After he lie down, he still bark a littl. One time I think I saw Che-Cheh looking at something in the house. Then he bark. That's the last bark.
Awhile after that my mom want to get her cosmetic bag which she left at dad's car. Then we heard footsteps outside. Our Indian neighbour were walking his dog. But I don't think Che-Cheh bark because he saw them. Because when we were looking at our neighbour Che-Cheh didn't bark or feel something was wrong.
I have goosebumps a little later when I was opening a room's light.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day to all lovers. I'm going to celebrate with my family together with cny dinner.
Happy 1 yr old to Haziq the cutie. Will buy present for you later. Muahhhh
Blissful Because I found Dan Brown
Back to work today. Been eager to start work but today I feel otherwise.
Reason is because I slept late yesterday, reading Digital Fortress. Dan Brown’s collection; Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Angel & Demon & Deception Points.
I’ve finished reading Da Vinci Code during the CNY holiday, started Digital Fortress 3 days ago and I can’t stop reading since yesterday. Story becomes juicier. Dan becomes famous world-wide because of Da Vinci Code. In Malaysia this novel became the No. 1 best-seller for many consecutive weeks and still is. His other 3 novels also become top ten’s bestseller.
Many readers can’t stop reading Da Vinci Code. I can say it was a masterpiece by Dan Brown. But I don’t feel as excited reading Da Vinci Code as I am in Digital Fortress. Maybe because I expected too much excitement, incredible contents when I was reading Da Vinci Code. All the magic were gone. Too bad.
Check out to find out some contents of his heart-throbbing, wonderful books/novels. I heard that there’s even a Da Vinci Code tour where fans of Da Vinci Code can relive Langdon’s quest for the Holy Grail.
I am glad that I found Dan Brown. He’s as what I found in John Grisham. Both are totally exceptional authors.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Year of The Rooster is Coming!
Yahoo! Today is Chinese New Year Eve. I can't sleep today and wake up at 4.40am. Ironic man! I never wake up so early in my life during CNY Eve or during CNY in my whole life.
A big day ahead of me. First I need to fetch my mom to buy roast duck(for offering to the God) which we ordered a few days ago. Then to the market to buy Salad vegie(also for offering to the God). Lion dance and dragon dance usually 'munch' this kind of vegie. After offering to God we will eat the duck, vegie, pork, etc at about 1pm. Dosen't have to be duck. Can be Chicken too.
Later I might/will go to a hairdresser. Yeah I haven't trim my hair. Thinking of not to trim but my mom nag nag nag me. Also will go to Car-Wash to wash my horrible, ugly, furry, yucky car.
Late at night we will prepare tea, pomelo, oranges, 'nin-gou', lime, pineapple, etc to the Heavenly God, 'Tei Chiu Kong', 'a god's name that I suddenly forgotten'. We will pray with joss sticks and candles. Come midnight we will wish each other 'Kong Hei Fatt Choy'. Many many firecrackers can be heard loud and clear. I wonder how do they have the gut to buy firecrackers. I wish my dad will buy one someday as without firecrackers, CNY were not as nice as yesteryears.
Happy Rooster Year to you.