Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Vector Prime

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Vector Prime.
I've just finished reading Star Wars: The New Jedi Order-Vector Prime. What can I say ? I LOVE this book. I should have read this book earlier. This book was written in 1999. OK if you are still clueless, The New Jedi Order stories happens 25 years after Star Wars: A New Hope. Get it ? Vector Prime is the first part of The New Jedi Order. So you better read this book first.
BTW, not all of The New Jedi Order series are by the same author. But don't worry, the story still goes well. How would I know ? Well, I bought and read Star Wars: The New Jedi Order-Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial and Agent of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse first(both are 4th and 5th parts of The New Jedi Order series) before reading Vector Prime. And I was so confused at that time because I can't imagined what does a coralskipper looks like or whatever the new enemy's ship or techno's name. Then only I realized all the New Jedi Order books are connected to each other. I made the assumption that since most of the books was written by different author, the story ought to stand alone. Sure they did, in a way lah but to know the story from the beginning you better read Vector Prime first.
Sorry to Dreamcatcher, you have to read Agent of Chaos I: Hero's Trial several time just to imagine the stuff going on. Hahahahahaha. Opppsss!

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order-Agent of Chaos I-Hero's Trial and Agent of Chaos II-Jedi Eclipse.
OK I say this again. I LOVE this book and I LOVE the enemy that is bringing chaos to the Core, to the New Republic, to Luke Skywalker, to Han Solo, to Mara Jade Skywalker(Luke's wife), to Leia and their 3 kids. Wohooooo...Who can imagine a new threat after the Empire has gone. But there's a sad I won't reveal anything. Just read and feel sad...
Although I'm a BIG fans of Star Wars, I only watch the movie a couple of 10-20 times but I never read the novel. Nope I haven't read Star Wars: Epi I to VI and many other adventures in Star Wars novel. Vector Prime or should I said Agent of Chaos I was my first step into the world of Star Wars novel.
Wish me luck! I've event dreamt flying The Millennium Falcon. Ahhhhh...

The beautiful 'Millennium Falcon'!!!

Check Star Wars/Random House-Del Rey for the whole Star Wars novel series!
dang!!! are u telling me there's a book prelude to the two books which u lent me to read??
thank goodness, i have a good imagination so not much prob. there, heh!heh!
i know, i know, blogging during work hours... out of my character but i'm goin' back 1/2, cant concentrate on my job today. ;PP
Tell me after you have finished Agent of Chaos II. I'll borrow you Vector Prime.
Still Raya mood ar?
nope. moodless since b4 raya. very tired!!!
Wah...why ar ? You're suppose to be in happy mood. So you help your family bake any biscuit ?
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