My Weekend at Sony Expo and ...
Mom, grandma, sis and me went to KLCC Convention Center for Sony Expo yesterday. I managed to play World Cup 2006 and driving game hehehehe. Overall I am not intrigued by the exhibition. At the expo, my sis received a balloon and we all laughed at her. Kiddo!!!
We had our lunch at the Convention Center and then planned to go to Aquaria. Why not ? Since we are here already. Hey hey btw we saw a guy model who acted in Celcom advertisement at Sony Expo. The curly hair guy. Remember ? Wow he looks handsome. He was looking at mom and me. Ahhhhhh. He is a member of SWAT team. Not the police SWAT but a team that organizes event.
So off we went, the ticket cost RM28 each(if we show MyKad to them) and RM38(without MyKad). The funny thing is that there's no special rate for senior citizen. How bad is that. Shame on Aquaria. Really really shame man!
The bad news is we didn't bring our camera(coz didn't plan to go to Aquaria). Yes we can take photo as long as there's no flash. So we used sis's SE hp camera. We saw fishes of all kind and variety. There's some reptile too(black widow, green snake, etc). So scary...hahahaha at one moment my 'bulu' nearly went up.
Then come the tunnel part. Hehe saw many sharks and many colorful fishes. Saw sting ray, reef, fishesssss, seahorse, fishhhheessss again and many more. But we didn't see dolphine and jellyfish. I was waiting for dolphine because dolphine is one of my favourite animal. One day I will go to Australia(perhaps) to watch dolphine and whale.
We ended our tour at Aquaria's gift shop. I bought a mini cup with the picture of Poison Dart Frog. Cool man! Sis bought the same one too. I also bought a soft toy named Sting. Yeah you guess it. A 'PINK with purple polka dot' sting ray! I'm gonna cuddle Sting when I go to sleep every night.

Off we went to Bangsar next. Bought some 'buka puasa' food such as otak-otak, pulut panggang, murtabak and kuih koci. Too bad they don't sell(or I have missed seeing) a kuih. I don't know the name of the kuih but it tasted wonderful. Anyone can help me to identify the name of the kuih ? If yes, please tell me. Ohh before that I need to describe it first. Ask me and I'll tell you.



Beautiful reefs!

Beautiful 'prawn'

yea, nothing of interest much to be had there. went to the expo too yesterday. fancy we didnt come across each other.
tried the racing game too but was quite disappointed with it. i was expecting a real, live feeling like driving but it felt like playing a remote controlled car... ;((
now,... i'd go to aquaria if they'd let me skin dive or snorkel inside the tank, heh!heh! nice!!!!
What time were you there ? Me...around 11am-2pm...
At one moment I did feel driving the real car. My buttock was jumping away from the seat. Then I went back to reality. :(
The steering NG lah. You move the steering abit and the car direction will move alot. BTW...which one is the break ? The kaki break or the steering 'break'(like in F1) ? Both don't seem to hv an effect at my race car! Shit. I just decelerate.
Yeah wouldn't it be nice to swim inside with a tank(of course). You would love the sharksssssss. I saw the feeding time. The person just throw 'dunno what' at one side and all the fishes went nuts!
naahhhh! no in-the-car feeling at all! the seat itself was more suitable at a film shoot location. it reminded me a lot 'bout a director's chair, i could almost hear the 'take 2...n ... action!!!', heh!heh!
n the position of the steering was too high n the accelarator n brakes were too steep n the ....
i used the 'kaki' brake, there's too many buttons which i didn't try bcoz the guy in charge already started the program to race, sheeesh!!! ;PP
yea, nice!! sharks in the tank are way lot better than 'human' sharks!! heh!heh!
1 moment only...2 secs
I didn't realised about the buttons at the steering. I just went there, sit down, press start and vroooommm!
Only while driving did I realised about the buttons but what the hell.....vroooommm!!
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