Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Master & Commander

Here's a list of commands that Chester understand (so proud):-

1) Come here
2) Wait
3) Stay
4) Lie down
5) Lie down on your side
6) No!
7) Good boy
8) Shake hand
9) High 5(lying down position)
10) High 5(sitting down position)
11) You want xxx?(xxx=food)
12) Let's go potty
13) Kia, ke pang jio(english: let's go potty)
14) Come here, let me hug you
15) Come, brush your teeth
16) Come, clean your ear
17) Lai, chit ka chen(english: come, wipe backside)
18) You want to drink water ? (while I am holding the water hose)
19) Let's go outside
20) You want to go for a walk/outside ?
21) You want to go 'hang kai-kai'?(english: go for a ride)
22) Back(reverse)
23) Speak(bark)
many more he will master...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

8:06 AM  
Blogger TechySlave said...

i notice that ur a gamer... do you also spend hours in playnig this online/PC games?

9:19 AM  
Blogger Che-Cheh said...

yes hours if the game is addictive. sometimes i play from morning until next morning. only stop for meals. hahahahaha

9:39 AM  

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