CharHie's Angels
Our department's annual bowling tournament helded last Friday. It was a blast! I myself was so worry man! We've been practicing 3 times and my average points was 50 ONLY.
I played my best on Friday and choose ball no. 6. Thank GOD. At least the bowling ball 'masuk longkang' lesser. Fhewwwwwww. At least I won't in dilemma.
Our team consists of Dreamcatcher, Saoirse, Char Hie and me. We are CharHie's Angels!!! Come Monday, the winner was announced. Saoirse is the ladies 1st champion while Dreamcathcer is 2nd. Congratulations to both of you. I'm 4th in ladies rank and 23rd overall. Ok lah ya. My average points is 90.5.
CharHie's Angels is the no. 1 champion!!! We won RM200 JJ voucher. This is our 3rd no. 1 consecutively. I think me and Saoirse only.

CharHie's Angels

aye, congratulations!!
..but dang it!! u near blew my cover, gal.
oppsssss.... i guess those who wants to know who u are, are the one who dosen't read my blog occasionally. don't worry the secret is save. moreover they don't know who is who. wuahahhahaha
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