Yoda the little green man in Star Wars.

lightsaber is green, my

Doesn't Yoda looks like the alien in ET ? ET was directed by Steven Spielberg while Star Wars by George Lucas. Wooooo so did Speilberg took the idea from Star Wars ? Star Wars were released first.
Today I'm going to pay tribute to Yoda. Not Star Wars' Yoda but my very own Yoda. You see, my very own department have a Yoda. He was my high ranking officer though not the highest and almost all the time I'm dissatisfied with his order. Therefore come a day I named him Yoda. Not out of respect but because he looks like Yoda(his mouth area). Though I don't like his order I have to obey them. He's quite good in knowing people's problem(not personal one ya) and advice us.
Yoda also enjoys football. The most beautiful game in the world. We would occasionally play futsal after work. Huhuhu that was one of my best experience. Thank you all for including me. The week before he left for Japan(his origin), we played futsal for the last time. Sweet memory. We didn't play futsal anymore after he went back to Japan. There's one moment that I regret that is I didn't bid him farewell properly.

Recently we received news that he's going to Germany to work. Good for him and his family. Wohooo what if I suddenly have lots of $$$ ? You bet I will visit Germany and Yoda. Let's wait for World Cup 2006.
May the FORCE be with you, Yoda.
p/s: sorry I still have STAR WARS fever! I believe it will last till the end of time.
Ya, I want to pay tribute to the department Yoda as well. Eventhough sometimes I don like his order, but really, I've learn a lot from him. He don hesitate to teach me anything, teach me from a small kid in this department to become a good engineer (Although now i become bad). Farewell Yoda.
sob sob sobbb yes you are TRUE!
He's the one who teach us to grow up.
u plan to go on a holiday to germany, nxt yr? :)
nolor. just that if I have extra $$. now planning to go to HK backpack.
nolor. just that if I have extra $$. now planning to go to HK backpack.
uwahh.. tribute to yoda ah? hmm...
yes Sophie. Write something yourself what you think about him. hehehehehe bad things are welcome.
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