Star Wars!!!
Ahhhhhh the final installment of the Star Wars trilogy/saga - Revenge of the Sith comes to an end in 2005. You MUST watch this movie no matter what!!! This is the episode where Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader! You will understand why he became Darth Vader and the secret within.
I watched Revenge of The Sith the day after it opens worldwide(19th May) and it broke my heart. Revenge of the Sith breaks single-day sales mark. The last of the 'Star Wars' movies has done what no movie in history has ever accomplished-sold $50million worth of tickets in a single day!!!
p/s: check this out Star Wars London Premiere-Leicester Square on Monday evening last week (16/5/05)
Of all the Star Wars episode which span 28years, I've miss out Episode II because in my mind I was thinking arrrr boring lah romantic episode. Looks like I'm the one who miss out the most. I watched Star Wars Episode IV, V and VI when I was young and immediately fall in love with this saga. I love Luke Skywalker and The Millennium Falcon.Star Wars Saga:
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 1999
Star Wars Episode II: Attach of the Clones 2002
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2005
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1977
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 1980
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi 1983

Official poster of the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

its has been a long time since i watched movie in cinema.. about 1 year and 4 months.. but, i have to say I MUST see this film! Can you babysit my son? Erkkk
I love Hans Solo, Luke and of course the Millenium Falcon. I also love Yoda too...So cute, he is!
Really sad to see Anakin which is so cute in Episode 1, quite handsome in Episode 2, will turn to Darth Vader!
Arghhh.. In Starwars Fever, I am!
May the Force be with you!
Hahahaha sure I can babysit your beloved son. Hmm I'm thinking maybe he and me can play anakin vs obi wan kenobi.
Yeah I love Yoda too. Which one do you love more ? Hans Solo or Luke Skywalker ?
You know right that Anakin in Episode 1 is not Christian Hayden?
Too, me!
or maybe your son will be Anakin and I will be Padme. Wuahhh I want I want.
anakin vs obi wan kenobi - ok i can accept! i want him to be a Jedi.
but Anakin and Padme, way!
Yeah.. of course I know about that. Starwars maniac, I am!
how come now way for us to become Anakin and Padme ?
opssss this is suppose to be Haziq and my secret. Alamak pecah belang, I have.
*Che-Cheh use THE FORCE to make Haziq's mama memory before comment blog.
wuhahahahahahahha come Haziq let's play. Here's your lightsaber....ohhh Anakin(Haziq)...
errkk... how come Padme pulak give lightsaber to Anakin? LOL
So confuse, I am!
Ohhh didn't you know that Padme and Anakin were married. I kept all my love's stuff in my dress/hair. That's why you see my fashion statement is so so NG.
p/s: Che-Cheh surrender coz dunno what her ownself mean to ownself.
I am the Master of Commenter!
heh!heh! i see uv broken ur heart again! how many more hearts do u have in u!!? ;))
yea, it's a must see movie. it's the completion of a saga b4 it even ends.
... the story was alright but i wished they'd let in more creativity n realism in the dialogues. they were rather stilted.
didya noticed the many times ewan sorta tried to tahan himself from laughing whenever he uttered obi ones' dialogues? i think they all also perasan how corny the scripts were... ;PPPP
Nope. Really ? Maybe he looks like going to laugh but you must remember with his moustache he will looks like smiling. Moustache kinda off 'melindungi' people.
lol. which research did u refer to regarding the moustache part, dear? that's the first time ive heard about such thing!!... heh!heh!
yea, really! his lips sorta twitched a little too often than normal, heh!heh! ur gonna watch the movie for the 2nd time, ya? watch carefully. ;PP
I researched lo...that's why i know. Really punya.
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