Uchenna & Joyce
Yesterday was the 2 hours Amazing Race 7 finale. Prior to that I already knew who the winner was because I accidently saw the results at Yahoo main page. Congratulations to Unchenna & Joyce.

I was so touched of Uncenna. He was the driving force of the team. He was strong when consulting his wife not never to give up until it's over. Looking at their happy faces when Phil announced the winner was once in a lifetime experience for me. Truly man.
I saw in their eyes a sense of peace finally. Finally I know that there's REALLY REALLY REALLY some good people out there after all. They never showed any negative action towards anybody. In fact they grace the places they visited with open hearts and smiles.
I also brace Rob and Amber's tactics as one of the best in all AR though they show many negative action towards all the teams in AR7. For once in the last episod they were extremely vulnerable. Talk about luck. Looks like their luck went off to Unchenna and Joyce. Congratulations to Rob and Amber and Ron and Kelly.
I'm waiting anxiously for AR 8.
p/s: any AR 'big gun' who see this, please please please let there be Amazing Race Malaysia. There are many Malaysian who are eager to participate including me.
u finally know good ppl actually existed fr watching ar7?
jeez, u really need to get out more instead of watching too much tv, mi amiga! heh!heh!
am i not the ultimate example of a good person, myself?? ;PPP
uchenna n joyce...
looked shaky fr day 1 bcoz they're not assertive enough but fortunately they persevered.
good of them! :)
heh!heh! if there's an AR M'sia, who might ur ideal partner be, i wonder... but since ur motivation is not winning, anyone can do, i guess, yes?!! :))
I wanted to see good people(in TV) not you dear dreamcatcher.
Too bad bout the WWF if not I already prove my point of being a leader, motivator, etc. Then you guys will be running towards me begging me to be your partner in AR Malaysia.
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