He's mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine...I bet he will run away listening to my love ranting. hahahaha isn't he adorable ? charming ? gorgeous ? Isn't he a wonder !!(changed song title from 'Isn't it a wonder!' by Boyzone). He's what I like in a guy looks. But why I never dreamt about him ? Oh God please let me meet him in my dream. I'm crazy liao.

Dearest Damon

Matthew Paige Damon was born on October 8, 1970 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I first saw him in 'Good Will Hunting' and immediately fall for his boyish look. See see I'm crazy. I'm telling my secret out for the whole world to read and judge me. Matt, if you're reading this please run as fast as you can. I don't want to hurt you.
Actually I will be the one to run away first. I'm very shy if I really see my idol face to face. From my experience I know lah.
This blog is dedicated to Dreamcatcher.
oh yea, hell! i do wonder!! what is it 'bout him that is fascinating??, i really do not see at all... ;PPP
Are you a les ?
last time i used to like Matt's best fren, Ben. But not anymore, he is casanova.
casanova means ?
yup!!! i've become less n less n less of an admirer of mr damon, heh!heh! .... now if it was nadal ..........................................................(gasp!) excuse me! i've just forgotten how to breath... ;PPPPP
yup??? you les ? les you ?
fed will be very angry if he knows about this.
nooo! (les)s possibility of becoming damon's admirer laaa...
Dreamcatcher, so you didn't watch Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy ?
btw, there's gonna be Bourne Ultimatum. Woahh. Mr Damon, I'm waiting for this.
hey.. i wasnt kidding when i said that just by looking at him, i lost all interest in watching whatever films he's acting in.
...but okla, i'll give it a try, if i come across any of his movies, i'll glue myself to the tv set.
ooooohh! help me that i dont fall asleep or suffer in agony..... i summon all the dark forces within me.... adoiii!! pikir pasal ni, terus takde mood! ;PPP
hahahahahaha ok then we'll watch Bourne Ultimatum in 2007.
it's still a long time to come yet?? good! ;))
kekekekekekeke you better pray you can stand him by then.
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