US Grand Prix Indianapolis 2005
Wooooo what's your feeling ? All Michelin team withdrew from US GP Indianpolis 2005 yesterday. There are 7 F1 teams using Michelin tyres and 3 F1 teams using Bridgestone. In the end only 6 drivers raced in the 73 horrendous laps. Funny all car raced to the end while in 2004 only 8 cars survived the hot laps.
Every F1 fans will remember 'this day' forever, I guess. By winning US GP first and second, Michael become no. 3 and Rubens become no. 4 in driver's championship while Ferrari jumped to 2nd in constructor's championship sharing the same point with Mclaren.
I woke up at around 5 minutes past 2am. Lucky me because the driver had just begun the warm up lap. I was half expecting for the 6 cars race only but didn't realised it really happened. I woke my mom and asked sis whether she want to watch. Only mom and me watch the race till the end.
Congratulation to Monteiro. He was smiling non stop. I don't understand regarding the news that first Jordan didn't want to race but int the end they came out. So Minardi also have to follow them and race. Why ? Many people said Ferrari should have join the other top runner to retire. In a way it should be but then it wasn't their fault in the end. Bridgestone didn't mess up so it's 'adil' for all the Bridgestone runner to race.
I guess in the end, FIA will lost it all. Now the tyre controversy is very bad. FIA is endangering all the drivers. You know who you are, bastard! Race after race tyre incident happened. Is this the way you make money ? From the accident???
Btw, still many crowds hanging out thought they put the 'opposite of OK' sign.

Sad podium except for the beaming Monteiro!

yea, in all, its a fair race albeit the tyre probs. i dont question that.
bridgestone had it's share of tyre problems too in previous races which affected their performance badly tho' the prob. did not extent to compromising with safety issues.
if u're the top man fr FIA, how'd u resolve the matter? what would u have done? ;DDD
If me eh...I will approve the chicane. I just read Rupa2nya all teams agreed to add the chicane. The only team missing is Ferrari. They didn't attend the meeting. Though FIA overuled that idea. I will approved it and let the race be a fun one.
i understood that jordan decided to race bcoz minardi was racing. if that was so, no way was jordan gonna forgo n let minardi top 'em in the championship points. ;PP
... so i heard....
ferrari did not attend the meeting? ... meaning that not all of the teams actually agreed to the chicane.
if u approved, then it's not fair to ferrari, right? heh!heh!
... but the suggestions by FIA that teams running on michelin tyres should instruct their racers to reduce speed at that turn 13 also made sense, right? it's their fault, so improvise, heh!heh!
hey i think Jordan that wanted to race. then Minardi have to follow. I'm right coz I heard it live just that dunno why. wuahahahaha
only Ferrari didn't attend the meeting. ya ya ya you got me. shuck!!!
I also think why can't Michelin runner reduce their speed when they reach turn 13. It's no big deal. Heard that Coultard gonna race anyhow but Bull Racing said no.
And then what if Michael and Rubens retired? Then Jordan and Minardi will be in the podium...what a race that might hv been!
yea... n what if all the 6 cars were forced to retire, let's say by lap 40 n then suddenly coulthard decided to join the race seeing the opportunity to get full points n winning the f1 albeit at a slower pace, heh!heh! ... what then, huh?!!! topsy-turvy!!! lol
race started already cannot join lah...lebih2 lap 40...hahahahaha
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