Sister Love
In my family I have only 1 sibling. I nicknamed her monkey. Why ? Because she's born in the year of monkey.
Being the eldest have the privilaged to bully your young sibling. Yes? I'm not different either. I bullied her since she was few years old and I bully her now as well. I don't think it's gonna stop.
She have this extremely horrible terrible moral. Since small she seldom answer's people question. Especially if she's in very bad mood. Even in normal mood she will answer you as if she's cross at you. But as she grow up, this nasty stuff begin to subside, though she still have it often. I took this opportunity not to answer her back. It's bad you know when she took like 30 seconds to answer you back or not at all. Then I'll say 'now you know leh don't answer people is so hard' yet she keep on doing it. That's why in a way she's cool.
Mostly our war is regarding 'chop'. Everyday we will 'chop, I take bath first'. And why we do that ? Cause her bathing ritual last like 20 minutes. So normally I will have to 'chop' as fast as I can. I just need less than 10 minutes, man.
Even in our dad's car we have some ritual. She would sit behind the driver's(right side) and I sit on the left. Always. I guess for 10years now. Before that we would change side for few months but then we kind of settle at this present side.
No matter what, I still LOVE you!!! you hear me ?

My Monkey

hahaha! will she finally comment in ur blog, u think???
will u, monkey girl, eh? heh!heh!
she will, she wont..., she will,.. she wont,... hmmm, the suspense is quite exciting, no? heh!heh!
know ur sis likes to be methodical in her own way n likes to set things at her own pace, that's why she's quite a slow top, in speech n in action...
monkey girl, if u want to reply this blog, sometimes the truest expressions are addressed in a simple manner. :)
uk!uk!uk!ekk!ekk!uk!ukk! ;DDDD
(translated: the force be with u!!)
Monkey girl most probably won't read my blog. She said she scanned it a few months back. Then when I ask her to read my blog coz there's some interesting stuff, she will reply 'bz lah, malas lah, malassssss'....hahahaha
never fear though. this time she might read it if I told her it's about monkey. LOL LOL LOL
may the 'uhh uhhh ahh ahhh' force be with you!!!
same for me n siblings. we also have our own sittings in our dad's car. u are lucky, there are only 2 of you. i have 5 siblings :D.
wooow sophie really ? see see everyone....yet anothe alikeness between sophie and me.
*celek x100
so sophie which seat is yours?
yeahhh... we are so much in common. and guess what?!
my seat is also on the left side!!!! until now.. my 2nd sis is behind the driver, while others will be cramped in the middle! hahahahaha
Muhahahhhh..Monkey ha?Am calling my 7 yrs old cousin "monkey" too..Y?bcoz she always..jump there jump here..acting like monkey...and her brother is.."kucing" bcoz kucing likes to mess the house and bite!!!Kihkihkih....
Wooow sophie, I'm beginning to wander are we long lost good friend? our last life was sisterhood ? were you my soul mate but god made you into a gal ? Am I gonna be a lesbian in this life ? hahahahhahhahaha
I guess we are soul mate aka soul best friend.
woooo I can imagine a car with 5 ladies chit chatting + mommy as the father whistling away during one of the family trip. Awwwww
Umphhh my sister didn't jump here or there or make monkey sound. Luckily.
u misunderstood the meaning of soulmate, my good gal!!
its a friendship where u share special interests n feelings with one another. it does not necessarily mean hubby! :)) ... or that ur a lesbian, heh!heh! ... are u?
anyway, u both may well be soulmates, what!! :DDDD
I know soul mate dosent hv to be 'hubby'....
btw can't wait for Wimbledon...wohoooo
yeah... we are soulmate. Hope this friendship will last forever!
a very interesting blog.
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