I Believe I Can Fly

I love this picture. Chester was riding in my old Civic on 27th Nov 2004. I always say 'I love you' to Chester yet I never told this phrase to my family and friends. I'm kinda of comfortable expressing it to my pet more than to my human counterpart. Maybe it is only me having this hard time saying so or maybe it was our upbringing in Malaysia.

yea, dont most of us feel that way, no?? ... i think part of the reason is bcoz when we say it, we're expressing conditional love, hoping for something back in return... but do u really feel comfortable not expressing it at all? which is better?
there's this one friend i had who has a cheerful disposition. one day she said 'what a dull life we're leading when there's so much love to give. y'know what, i'm gonna greet evryone with love today' ... n she did just that! she said hi! n i luv u! to evryone she met, not caring if its a close friend or a mere acquaintance. the hostel where she lived brightened up considerably. u can feel the difference. n the mood was infectious, evryone opened up, became lively n said the greetings, n it affected the neighbouring hostel as well. :DDD
what i'm saying here is that it's easier when u say it, ur not expecting too much in return, the pre-conception of what might happen after u say 'em is just not relevant. the first time is gonna be a bit difficult bcoz ur stepping out of tha' comfort zone but it'll be easier then after. hey!!! after all, u wanna say 'em to ur family n close friends, ya? how bad can it be... have faith!! :))
Yeah you are right.
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