LOST: The Last Episode [Exodus Part 2]
I felt I had LOST something at 11pm. I have lost LOST. I already miss that show.

This is one of the most entertaining show on earth!!! You didn't watch it ? Then you are not lost!
I learnt 3 things tonite in LOST - the dynamite, gun powder and Locke(you will always be amaze about what he got to say about almost anything).
The most memorable part in this whole show of season 1 is about the flashback to Oceanic Flight 815 after all what WE and them have been through. How fate bring them together(I agree with Locke).
I'll have to end my LOST journey here. Can't wait for season 2.

to be continued...

now is season 2 or finale maaa...
hmmm... i wonder Sawyer and those far in the ocean survived or not..
yesterday was season 1 finale.
i guess Sawyer survived.
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