No Blogging For 7days
Starting from tomorrow I won't be able to blog so please hang on. Don't miss me. Don't kill yourself. Swallow some pain-killer.
You see, i'm going to China!

I know you gals & guys gonna miss me. Who to look to when you want to hear a loud laugh, to discuss about amazing race or F1, to gossip, to eat together, to play together & to give junkyard(junk email). I'm not exaggerating. It's true. Most of all I will miss you all more than you all miss me.
I will blog many parts about this trip. Hang on.
p/s: Please remember to tell me all the gossip. Keep a carbon copy in a file.
Lastly, I miss you Idj. Get well soon.
We miss u already... Miss u like crazy...
I miss u too....
yahoo... tomorrow you'll be back! cant wait longer!
heh!heh! seems that im not the only egotistical one. all the 'miss u' messages posted quite in the later stage of your absence!! ;PPPPPPP
imagine that...
there's a jaggedly shaped ice cube in ur heart! it's a very numbing feel, at the same time the cube kept sliding inside, scraping whate'er is in its way. not the cooling sensation, in contrast, scalding hot!!!!!
i hope ur feeling 10xs worse. ;PP
U know..we keep saying we miss u in our "confe" everyday...Uhuks...
Then u are here....YES!Welcome back!
Hi All,
I'm back! and I miss you gals too. In fact very much. Some places that I went, I imagined how nice it would be if all of you were with me at that time.
Yo che-cheh! We missed u so much... Glad that you are back again. Yo yo... We only know that you are so important to us when you weren't around.
Then how come you all only miss me the day I came back? I know it's dreamcatcher!!!
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