Old Car Go, New Car Come - Part 4
How I know he lied ? Tell later. I forgot another part that I have to tell before the lie. Since we all thought the car is coming in 1 and the 1/2 weeks times and I would like to have a car registration number to my liking, I decided to go and tender the number myself. The salesman will only register for me if I don't choose the number. Hmmmm...
On a faithful day I went to Wangsa Maju JPJ with my mom in tow. Actually this happened before I sell my Civic(now I remember). Oh no! I've mess up my story yet again. Finally after much mess in JPJ we managed to get a nice number. Sorry can't say out. Actually my dad's friend help us to clear the mess. Cost me RM310, standard price if you tender not popular number.
So now back to the lie!!! Well I planned to put leather seat at my new car just because Chester going to travel with me. Leather is easier to clean than cloth seat. If I buy from Toyota, the cost will be RM2800 for full leather. What da...so the salesman told me that if I go outside(means car leather shop) then it will be cheaper(RM2000 for full leather). He said he will passed us the leather color selection for us to choose. And he LIED!!!
From the day I ordered car to 2 days before I get my car I never have a look at the color. Wanna know his excuse ? Ohh the color is at my house, ohh the color is at my car, ohh the car is in the office and ohh the color is with Rob. Sometimes he will repeat that the color is either at his house or home. Grrrrr finally he said why don't u choose the 'only' color that we have same like the demo car. I said I wanted a ldarker cream but at last I abide him. Lazy to hear his excuse.
On Friday, the salesman said that I can get my car on 13th March(Saturday). At that time I was driving my dad's car. That day my mom have an appointment with the doctor as well. I am sleeping soundly when my mom woke me up to fetch her to doc and take my car. I can't wake up man!!! Saturday afternoon nap is so nice

p/s: my story is getting boring...haiyar
aiyo.. pity u.. why salesman always lie aaa.. is it part of their job?
Luckily he lie about leather color only. The rest is ok.
Luckily he lie about leather color only. The rest is ok.
is there any significant meaning with the numbers that you chose for your number plate?
Yup. Ask me and I will tell u. Not here.
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