Friend & Fate Mix Together
Rolie Polie Olie(RPO) and me is the best of friends. We are colleague in the same group which consists both of us only. Over the years I have found more best friends. They are RPO(of course)

Today my story is about RPO and me. How friend and fate mix together to create a wonderful friendship. You see she likes football like me. We are Manchurian(Manchester United fans). We are F1 maniac though her favourite is Mclaren while mine is Ferrari. Do you notice that both my favourite teams are red ?
We also

She likes tennis so is me. She likes to read book so is me. Especially The Da Vinci Code. Again we acted out both our favourite character.
Occasionally we would talk about buying latest handphone with camera and most important of all polyphonic ringtones features. We talk about that almost everytime we hear someone else polyphonic ringtone ringing. And one day, I bought a hp. Please read January issue about how the fate my new hp had endured. She bought one TOO! on the same day though not the same brand. How coincidence is that ? I can't believe the twist of fate. If you don't believe fate is making this up. Then read this...
Today RPO didn't come to work because her son is having a fever. She told me this news by using her hubby's hp. Later I sms her hp, she didn't answer. Until in the afternoon she sms me telling me that she just top-up her hp. And me too top-up today.
What can I say ? God must be telling us something.
Sorry rakel.
Y sorry to rakel?
Anyway, RPO will be very 'kembang' reading this entry..Muhahah...
To RPO...Am sorry...*bow*
WHY... why dont i get to have the angel icon? why did you.... 'BESTOWED' it to the Idj person instead? (Idj, no offence!!)
IMHO, i think im the most angelical human being on the face of the earth.. let alone the whole of the universe!!! heh!heh!
bad judgement call u!!! ....
urghhh!! i just noticed something, that angel has PINKK face??? what is wrong with these ppl? why do pink and angel always had to be combined?!!!! oohhh... and that smirking yellow smiley icon looked bald!! heh!heh! :PPP
dear me!... this error-filled narration is quite a horror!! is me??? so is me???? ur giving me apoplexy, girl! it should be 'so do i'.
good thing RPO is as bad as u. that's one more thing u both share in common!! heh!heh!
u polluter-of-good grammer! let me write my eulogy on ur behalf...
'dreamcatcher is a by word and by act an example of perfection; to describe the least, an enigma... need i say more!!' ;)))
...there you go, simple and precise! ... n error free! heh!heh!
on a sober note:
my dear girl,
i feel and am both privileged and humbled by your admissions.
most dotingly yours ;DD
... but i still think i should have the angel icon, u know!! heh!heh! ...but definitely not with pink face, eeuwwww!
on the last paragraph,
from mah sincere reckonin', what actually took place here was that 'god' aka h/p co. was tryin' to tell u ...
'...both of u'd better top-up and make me richer, or else y'all ain't gettin' to talk to no one, chumps!!' heh!heh!
babylovesbite, why sorry to RPO ?
Idj is such an angel. From what I see and talk to you dreamcatcher, I guess you fit more to me as enegertic thus the snorkeling smiley.
I will remember bout PINK.
Wow what a horror after you had rewrite my error full narration.
My turn to say, Pluseee
yuck yuck yuck....
anyway thanks for correcting my blog.
from mah sincere reckonin',
dreamcatcher, what u mean by the above ?
wuahh... i'm so honoured! .. huhuhuhuhuhuhu.... (u must be really missing me last friday aa.. till u have to write this :PPP)
you are my best friend! I think there's of lot of coincidence and similarity between us right? Thank you!
p/s muahahaha.. dreamcatcher is really jealous aaa...
Yeah, a part of me missing you last friday.
Dreamcatcher, please wake up!
aiyar... more or less 'from mah reckonin'' meant 'i think' though the actual meaning now is somewhat lost in the translation. ;PP
pshaw! tsk!tsk!
one thing both of u should know 'bout me is that despite my self-consequence, constant bragging, over-blown ego etc. heh!heh!... in matter such as this i.e friendship, the word 'jealousy' does not even enter the equation.
u may choose (for eg.) the worst of toads* as ur best friends, i'd still want u to be happy, and im glad of the toad who makes u happy, b'coz in spite of ur MANY shortcomings (u sometimes remind me of a toad urself, heh!heh!), i guess i have enough faith in ur common sense... and i like toads ... sometimes, heh!heh!
* denotes any other but me, heh!heh!
take note:
i may have sleepy eyes but im always wide awake!! :))
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