That's My Chester
My Chester made it to the The Star newspaper for the 3rd time. First and second time(same picture) was published early last year and mid last year regarding Obediene and Agility Training workshop and about dog obedience articles. Now for the 3rd time, Chester made it to the The Star newspaper regarding Dog Ownership Day which we attended last Sunday.

Chester posing in the tunnel for a girl who owns a GR as well. Never thought she is a reporter. Thanks Chin Mui Yoon. If you see this blog please comment as I want to get the remaining photo of Chester that you took on Sunday(share share mah). You are so sweet. I'm glad that you spelled Chester's name correctly. Hehehe...

Chester also appears in The Star online. Click here.

Ahhh I'm so proud of Chester. Never in my dream that my dog's photo will be published on newspaper. You know what my sis said ? She said 'see see see only when I followed y'all to the gathering then only Chester photo is in newspaper'. She is right! Hahahahaha.
And guess what ? We didn't take Chester's photo in the tunnel because my dad was carrying the camera and he didn't joined us at the agility equipment area. By the time my dad came trotting by, Chester got up and leave the tunnel. LOL.
*Yawn...time to sleep. I was so excited that I can't wait tomorrow to post this story.
p/s: noticed he is wearing a blue pendant ? That's his dog license.
Yeah. When we read that article he lied down near our leg and smiling. Like he knows...LOL
wahh.. I'm so proud to be a friend to your master, Chester :P
*Che-Cheh blushes.
wow!!! ... n he doesn't look 'garang' at all. :DD
My cutie pie Chester, how could he look 'garang'. He sound 'garang' ada lah.
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